Company Overview

Message from the President

Our ideal is to be a model company that creates new trends.

Since the establishment of our company in 1946, we have worked hard to hone our manufacturing and design capabilities, and as an all-round manufacturer of powder equipment, have for many long years been providing powder processing technology and equipment to customers in a wide range of fields, such as food, chemicals and pharmaceuticals.

Taking safety and hygiene into consideration, we strive to manufacture products which customers can use with peace of mind, and work on research, development and improvement activities everyday. The products we have inherited through these company activities are manufactured to high levels of accuracy and abound in unique qualities, and are highly regarded by people in a wide range of fields. This too is the fruit of the guidance we receive from you all, and we are deeply grateful.

It is our strong desire to be a model company that develops cutting-edge technologies, creates new trends and leads innovation in the industry, and not an imitative company that follows changes after they have happened. We devote ourselves to this everyday.

Furthermore, in future, we want to expand our field of business not just domestically, but also into the global market, by making use of the strength we possess in being an all-round powder equipment manufacturer which has achieved unification of manufacturing and sales.

For this, it is not only essential that we strengthen our company structure, but also that we nurture human resources who can be deployed internationally, and also firmly establish a pricing system and product quality. Through the continuous effort of our entire workforce all pulling together under the corporate slogan of "By deep study of powder, find the new value." so that we can achieve these goals, we believe we can become a leading force in the powder industry, and make a contribution to society.

As we forge ahead into the future, I hope I can count on your continued and ever stronger support and guidance.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Yasuhiro Kato